M&M: How It All Began

Goldie’s Bar

Greenpoint, BK

First Date

Goldie's Bar in Greenpoint, BK

Margie & Matt’s first conversation involved our vastly different, yet equally impassioned, opinions on olives. It is now our shared opinion that the most successful relationships have one partner who adores the olive, and one who despises them.

So, cherished guests, help solve this age-old mystery. The most important question of all... who is right?!

Sweet Love: M&M - More Than Just Candy!

Margie & Matt met on Hinge, just as Matt was returning to NYC from a decade living in Pennsylvania. With Matt in Queens and Margie in Brooklyn, we navigated interborough travel on Tuesdays for date nights in Astoria, and on the weekends we reveled in the city’s endless possibilities.

We got pastrami and pickles at S&P Diner in Manhattan, walked the piers in Brooklyn Bridge Park, cheered for the Mets in Queens, learned about our families’ similar Bronx roots, and drove on the Staten Island Expressway.

Right from the start, we cherished each other’s company.

Two years later, and now in one borough, Matt & Margie still love exploring New York City. But, most of all, we love returning home together to relax with our favorite guy, our cat Warren.


Matt created a holiday, complete with impersonating the restaurant in the fake flier to the right, in order to fool Margie into attending a surprise engagement dinner amongst our closest family and friends. We wish you a happy Giorno della Volpe!